The Peace and Freedom Party endorses Green Party candidate Angelica Dueñas for U.S. Congress representing California’s District 29, which includes north central San Fernando Valley.
Angelica’s statement upon receiving the PFP endorsement is as follows
“Angelica Dueñas for Congress is honored to have the endorsement of the Peace and Freedom Party. The Peace and Freedom Party was founded in 1967 among the Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-War Movement against the Vietnam War. The Peace and Freedom Party, much like our campaign, "is committed to feminism, socialism, democracy, ecology, and racial equality.
Read more: Election 2018: PFP endorses Angelica Dueñas for U.S. Congress, California district 29
The Peace and Freedom Party endorses Green Party candidate Rodolfo Cortes Barragan for U.S. Congress representing California’s District 40, which includes East Los Angeles and environs. Rodolfo’s statement upon receiving the PFP endorsement is as follows.
“I am proud to have sought and received the endorsement of the Peace and Freedom Party (PFP). The PFP recognizes that the current structure of society is both problematic and unsustainable. Humans have been a collaborative species for hundreds of thousands of years. Yet, over the last few hundred years, an economic system that rewards self-interest at the expense of the community has managed to take root.
Kevin Akin of Riverside is a retired hospital maintenance worker who has been an activist in the Peace and Freedom Party and for peace and social justice since he was a teenager. He was the Peace and Freedom Party nominee for State Treasurer in 1982 and is running again in 2018.
Kevin advocates forming a California State Bank to keep tax money out of the hands of the profiteers and serve the needs of the people; revising the tax code to lift the burden from workers and the poor and make those who benefit the most from this economy pay for social needs; and breaking up the disproportionate influence of the billionaires and their corporations on state financial decisions.
The Peace and Freedom Party endorses independent candidate Eric Frame for State Senate in California’s District 6, which includes the city of Sacramento, part of Sacramento County and part of Yolo County.
Eric’s statement upon receiving the PFP endorsement is as follows.
“We are thrilled to have the endorsement of the Peace and Freedom party. We are in agreement with the PFP on so many issues that we currently face in the USA. Homelessness has increased dramatically in California and something needs to be done – building affordable housing, providing a living wage for all, rent control, reforming the inhumane and high-cost healthcare system are just some of the fixes we agree upon.
Read more: Election 2018: PFP endorses Eric Frame for California State Senate, District 6
Mary Lou Finley is the Peace and Freedom Party candidate for State Controller in Election 2018. Mary Lou advocates reducing the tax burden on working people and shifting it to those best able to pay, the wealthy who benefit from the current economic system. The State Controller serves on 76 boards and commissions, in addition to being the state’s chief bookkeeper and auditor, and is very influential on tax policy and tax legislation.
Mary Lou is recently retired from the San Diego Unified School District and is a member of the California School Employees Association. She has been active for many years against police brutality, for freeing Leonard Peltier and other political prisoners, and in local campaigns for social justice issues and for progressive candidates.
Read more: Election 2018: Mary Lou Finley for State Controller