Posted on April 20, 2011 by the the Website Workers Council

This article is slightly revised from the Take California website, which is published by Peace of the Action. For an up-to-date list of dates and places, click here.

Download and distribute this flyer (print on both sides of letter paper and cut into half sheets).

The Peace and Freedom Party, Peace of the Action (POTA) , CodePINK, Cindy Sheehan, United Progressives, several other entities, and all Vulnerable Folks are calling on us to march, strike, and occupy Sacramento and beyond beginning May Day, 2011.

Your participation and endorsement of this march/strike is paramount to strengthen our approach, our numbers, and our will.

The strike and occupation will follow a march from numerous parts of the state to Sacramento beginning May 1, highlighted by a thematic mass march from San Francisco to the capital led by prominent peace activist Cindy Sheehan, national organization Peace of the Action, Bay Area Code Pink, California Alliance for Retired Americans, Peace and Freedom Party, Veterans for Peace chapters, and several other entities.

To date, the action has been endorsed by more than 20 organizations around the globe representing a variety of fronts, including United Progressives, Canadians for Action on Climate Change, Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, and the Arab American Union Members Council.

Strike: No Business As Usual
No More Taxes for Wars & Occupations
No More Tax Breaks for the Rich & Their Corporations

To be clear, this is a march and strike in direct challenge to Governor Jerry Brown and the legislature’s austerity measures in California. The budget “fixes” proposed will come down on the backs of the most vulnerable, while continuing to provide corporate welfare, funds and use of California National Guard in wars of aggression, and a regressive tax structure.

We believe there is a better way:

  • Close Corporate Tax Loopholes & Incentives
  • Fully fund education and other social programs
  • End state funding for National Guard Units leaving California
  • Raise Taxes (Employ Austerity) on California’s 650,000 Millionaire Households
  • Employ Massive Prison Reform & Drastically alter Criminalization Codes
  • Bring Single-Payer Health Care to California
  • Mandate and Create a Zero Carbon Economy to Mitigate Climate Change

All this is to say: End the financial and discriminatory wars on women, workers, unions, immigrants, indigenous peoples, disabled, and people of color, the poor, and homeless communities.

All this is to say: End the ecocidal war against the state and the planet.

All this is to say: End the cycle of perpetual war, occupation, and terrorism being conducted around the globe.

We recognize the work we do in California now can be a model employed in other states and nations, and likewise seek your support to galvanize the effort and spread the word to your members, friends, allies, and colleagues. We will share our successes and failures every step of the way, and will help organize in every other state and nation as appropriate.

The Plan: March. Strike. Occupy.

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