Peace and Freedom Party Candidates

All of the Peace and Freedom candidates have pages on our campaign website. Most also have their own campaign websites (and more will have them soon). Links to both are provided here.

    • Board of Equalization
      • 1st District:

Sherill Borg


Campaign page

      • 2nd District:

Toby Mitchell-Sawyer


Campaign page

      • 3rd District:

Mary Lou Finley


Campaign page

      • 4th District:

Nancy Lawrence


Campaign page

Statewide Propositions

Here is a summary of our positions on the ten statewide propositions on the November 2, 2010 ballot. Note: we have taken positions on five of the ten, and will take positions on the rest at the July 31 state convention in San Francisco. Click on a proposition to see our analysis.

Proposition 18

      : Water bonds - withdrawn by the Legislature

Proposition 19

      : Legalizes marijuana -

YESProposition 20

      : Congressional redistricting -

NOProposition 21

      : Vehicle license fee -

YESProposition 22

      : Transportation & local government funding -

NOProposition 23

      : Suspends pollution controls -

NOProposition 24

      : Repeals business tax breaks -

YESProposition 25

      : Majority vote on budgets -

YESProposition 26

      : Two-thirds vote on fees -

NOProposition 27

      : Repeals redistricting commission -


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