As part of actions in 90 countries, a Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice March was held in San Francisco on September 9. According to Democracy Now, who provided some nice coverage of the San Francisco event, “up to 30,000 people took part in the Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice march. It is believed to be the largest climate march ever on the West Coast.”

(Please do check out the Democracy Now coverage of the march; such popular actions are rarely reported in mainstream media sources with any depth, if at all.)

The march was a preemptive action in advance of the Global Climate Action Summit, which began on Wednesday the 12th and is hosted by California Gov. Jerry Brown.

Having endorsed the action earlier in the year, Peace and Freedom Party members were naturally on-hand. Below are pictured (L to R) PFP State Central Committee members Dave Campbell and Tom Lacey at the event. (Photograph by Nguyen Che.)



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