Peace & Freedom Party’s co-sponsored Suds, Snacks & Socialism monthly forum series continues in online form via Zoom meeting this Saturday, March 6, to discuss Celebrating International Women’s Day. Our guest speakers include:

  • Urszula Wislanka, activist with News & Letters, California Coalition for Women Prisoners and Pelican Bay Hunger Strike Support Coalition, on The Living History of International Women's Day;
  • Kara Murray-Badal, election activist and member of Democratic Socialists of America, onb Getting out the Vote in the Georgia Senate Race; and
  • Karina Stenquist, host of podcast “Mondays Off” and DSA member, on Women in the Hospitality Industry.

The program will start promptly at 2:30pm PT and is expected to wrap up by 4:30pm. To join the forum, click here or write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for login instructions.

This forum is co-sponsored by the Oakland Greens, the Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party and Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change. The forum is part of our ongoing Socialist Forum Series on the first Saturday of every month. Our purpose is informed political discussion, and the views expressed are those of the speakers only, not official positions of the Peace and Freedom Party or our fellow co-sponsors.

Peace & Freedom Party’s co-sponsored Suds, Snacks & Socialism monthly forum series continues in online form via Zoom meeting this Saturday, February 6, to discuss the topic of Racism and Policing in the USA.

Police stand by while white supremacist mobs run amok. Black Lives Matter and other protests by the left are attacked with impunity. Police use deadly force against ordinary citizens, disproportionately people of color. All of this is current, but none of it is new, as will be explained by our guest speakers:

Vicente Cruz Oakland Greens fundraising & event coordinator, youth sports educator, and nephew of the lead prosecutor of the police bombing of MOVE, will be your moderator.

The program will start promptly at 2:30pm PT and is expected to wrap up by 4:30pm. To join the forum, click here or write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for login instructions.

Peace & Freedom Party’s co-sponsored Suds, Snacks & Socialism monthly forum series continues in online form via Zoom meeting this Saturday, December 5, with a theme that many voters in California and throughout the U.S. can certainly relate to: Election 2020: WTF?!

Speakers and topics will include:

• Dr. Laurence Shoup on The factors behind the vote: Historical, economic, social and political;

• Michael Rubin on The political reality revealed: What should socialists do now?; and

• Marsha Feinland on California politics unmasked: What ballot initiatives have become.

The program will start promptly at 2:30pm PT and is expected to wrap up by 4:30pm. To join the forum, click here or write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for login instructions.

Our long-running Socialist forum series, which had been held on the first Saturday of every month at the Starry Plough Pub in Berkeley had to suspend operations due to the COVID-19 crisis – but Suds, Snacks & Socialism is back in electronic form on Zoom!

So join the Peace and Freedom Party’s Alameda County chapter for the monthly Suds, Snacks and Socialism forum on Saturday, June 5. All are welcome to discuss the topic of Capitalism, Socialism and the Coronavirus, and we’ll be joined by speakers John Reiman and Larry Shoup.

The program will start promptly at 2:30pm PT and is expected to wrap up by 4:30pm. To join the forum, click here.

Join the Peace and Freedom Party’s Alameda County chapter for the monthly Suds, Snacks and Socialism forum at the Starry Plough Pub in Berkeley (3101 Shattuck Avenue; click here for map) on Saturday, January 4. All are welcome to discuss the topic of Haiti past, present and future.

Doors open at 2pm. The program will start promptly at 2:30pm and will wrap up by 4:30pm, but folks can stay and talk as long for as you like. All ages welcome!

This forum is co-sponsored by the Oakland Greens, the Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party and Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change. The forum is part of our ongoing Socialist Forum Series on the first Saturday of every month. Our purpose is informed political discussion, and the views expressed are those of the speakers only, not official positions of the Peace and Freedom Party or our fellow co-sponsors.

If you’re in the Oakland area this weekend, the Alameda County Peace and Freedom party invites you to their potluck holiday party to be held at the Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library on Sunday, January 5, from 4pm to 8pm.

Everyone is welcome to join! Come and meet PFP members, hang out and discuss the issues of the day. Please bring food which does not require additional cooking on-site. Also, please bring your own non-disposable plate, cup and eating utensils if possible.

The address is:

6501 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609

Please phone (510) 465-9414 if you can help with setup or clean up. We hope to see you there!

Join the Peace and Freedom Party’s Alameda County chapter for the monthly Suds, Snacks and Socialism forum at the Starry Plough Pub in Berkeley (3101 Shattuck Avenue; click here for map) on Saturday, January 4. All are welcome to discuss the topic of What do the 2020 political campaigns portend for the future of radical politics?.

Doors open at 2pm. The program will start promptly at 2:30pm and will wrap up by 4:30pm, but folks can stay and talk as long for as you like. All ages welcome!

This forum is co-sponsored by the Oakland Greens, the Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party and Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change. The forum is part of our ongoing Socialist Forum Series on the first Saturday of every month. Our purpose is informed political discussion, and the views expressed are those of the speakers only, not official positions of the Peace and Freedom Party or our fellow co-sponsors.

PFP announces a

Meeting of
the Peace and Freedom Party of California
State Central Committee

Saturday & Sunday, August 10 & 11, 2019
Peace Center West
3916 Sepulveda Blvd.; Culver City, CA 90230
*** Open to the public ***

Registration opens at 11 am on Saturday; meeting starts at noon. The full agenda will be posted here when complete.

If you’re in the San Francisco area, the local Peace and Freedom party invites you to their annual summer potluck picnic to be held on Saturday, August 17, from 1pm to 5pm.

Everyone is welcome to join! Come and meet PFP members, hang out and discuss the issues of the day. Please bring food which does not require additional cooking on-site. Also, please bring your own non-disposable plate, cup and eating utensils if possible. 

The address is:

2217½ McGee Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94703

We hope to see you there!

Join the Peace and Freedom Party’s Alameda County chapter for the monthly Suds, Snacks and Socialism forum at the Starry Plough Pub in Berkeley (3101 Shattuck Avenue; click here for map) on Saturday, July 6. All are welcome to discuss the topic of Julian Assangeand Press Freedom.

Watch this space for details on the program and speakers..

Doors open at 2pm. The program will start promptly at 2:30pm and will wrap up by 4:30pm, but folks can stay and talk as long for as you like. All ages welcome!

The July forum on Julian Assange and Press Freedom is co-sponsored by the Oakland Greens, the Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party and Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change and the Task Force on the Americas. The forum is part of our ongoing Socialist Forum Series on the first Saturday of every month. Our purpose is informed political discussion, and the views expressed are those of the speakers only, not official positions of the Peace and Freedom Party or our fellow co-sponsors.

Posted on March 11, 2015 by the Webmaster, last updated March 16, 2019

Statewide Coordinated Actions To End Solitary Confinement (SCATESC) began Monday, March 23, 2015, and are now continuing on the 24th of each month.

When: The 24th of every month
Where: for locations and times, please see the Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity website
What: local events to protest solitary confinements in California prisons

Contact: email prisonerhungerstrikesolidarity (at) or call (510) 444-0484.

The Peace and Freedom Party endorses these events.

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