By Estevan Hernandez
Posted on May 3, 2017 by the webmaster
In cities across California activists with the Peace and Freedom Party (PFP) took to the streets on May 1, known world wide as International Workers' Day. Along with tens of thousands of people across the country, and millions worldwide, we marched and chanted against racism and for full rights for all immigrants, women and LGBTQ people.

In Sacramento California the PFP and Party for Socialism and Liberation organized a joint socialist march contingent. Our contingent kept the energy high with popular slogans like, "When workers rights are under attack, what do we do? Stand up fight back", "Say it loud say it clear, immigrants are welcome here" and "Get up, get down, there's a revolution in this town!"
C.T. Weber, long time organizer and early leader of the PFP, addressed the crowd from the mainstage, saying:
I bring you greetings from the Peace and Freedom Party,conceived 50 years ago, in the late 60s, out of the struggles of the freedom rides, the farm workers’ union organizing, and the anti-war movements. Today we are California’s only ballot qualified socialist party. We gather with you today, International Worker’s Day, in a spirit of solidarity and for the expansion of the growing power of working people!By uniting with this new generation of "resistors" and by popularizing socialism we can continue help rebuild a new socialist movement to finally uproot this rotted system of capitalist oppression and poverty.

Estevan Hernandez is a State Central Committee member from Sacramento.