The Peace and Freedom Party endorses Green Party candidate Angelica Dueñas for U.S. Congress representing California’s District 29, which includes north central San Fernando Valley.
Angelica’s statement upon receiving the PFP endorsement is as follows
“Angelica Dueñas for Congress is honored to have the endorsement of the Peace and Freedom Party. The Peace and Freedom Party was founded in 1967 among the Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-War Movement against the Vietnam War. The Peace and Freedom Party, much like our campaign, "is committed to feminism, socialism, democracy, ecology, and racial equality.
“The Angelica Dueñas for Congress campaign is a grassroots movement of beautiful individuals dedicated to building a future of peace, justice, democracy and equality, all out of our love for humanity. We hope to build a future where All have the right to Shelter, Food, Education and Employment through a movement of Peace and Unity.”
To volunteer, donate or find out more about the Dueñas for U.S. Congress campaign, please visit The campaign’s Facebook page may be found here.