The Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party and Movement has announced its endorsement of several candidates in local races in the upcoming election.

In the race for Alameda City Council, PFP Alameda is backing incumbents Malia Vella and Jim Oddie.

Alameda City Council members Malia Vella and Jim Oddie, the most progressive members of the Alameda City Council, face three candidates who say they want to get rid of the progressives to “drain the swamp,” but local organization say Malia and Jim have accomplished a lot in the last four years.

Because of them, the minimum wage was increased to $15 ahead of the statewide increase; laws on no-cause evictions and caps on rental rates were enacted; and loopholes allowed for Section 8 tenants were ended, so that they could also benefit from rent control.

Jim and Malia’s work has helped the lives of the most vulnerable people in Alameda. They have helped to ease the financial stress of living month-to-month for many. The Alameda Renters Coalition believes it’s absolutely essential to fight against the more conservative pro-landlord interests.

Beyond the PFP endorsement, Malia Vella and Jim Oddie have also been endorsed by the Alameda Democratic Club, the Alameda Justice Alliance the Alameda Renters Coalition and more.


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