The Peace and Freedom Party endorses Green Party candidate Jason Kishineff for U.S. Congress representing California’s District 5, which includes Napa County and parts of Contra Costa, Lake, Solano, and Sonoma Counties.

Jason’s introduction to voters is as follows.

“Hello, I am Jason Kishineff, Green Party candidate for Congress in district 5, California. I was inspired by Bernie Sanders to run in order to take over the Congress and end Citizens United with a constitutional amendment, although I’m pretty sure Bernie took a wrong turn at Albuquerque...

“The goal remains the same: kicking corporate interests out of our political system, so that we can pass a people’s agenda. One thing I have learned from Bernie is that it is necessary to form coalitions with people or groups whenever you have common interests, and I believe we have many, which is why I sought the Peace and Freedom Party endorsement.

“Some of my other priorities include stopping the destruction of our planet from fracking and oil dependency; universal healthcare and universal college education; ending for-profit wars; real electoral reform that includes greater debate access for parties like ours; and reforming the racist criminal justice system.”

To contribute, volunteer or find out more about the Kishineff for U.S. Congress campaign, please visit For a succinct video summary on Jason’s platform, please click here.

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