Adopted by the State Central Committee on November 22, 2010
WHEREAS, the Peace and Freedom Party supports the concept of independent, progressive, community-based radio that Pacifica Radio has aspired to and at times achieved; and
WHEREAS Pacifica Radio and its stations KPFA and KPFK among others, have in recent years found themselves in financial difficulties, and
WHEREAS at KPFA the Concerned ListenersSave KPFAfaction of entrenched insiders have manipulated the situation to try to promote their vision of a slightly more left version of NPR;
THEREFORE be it resolved, that the Peace and Freedom Party State Central Committee strongly opposes the Concerned Listeners and allies' power grab and disinformation campaign, and supports the opposition to that by Peoples Radio, Independents for Community Radio, and their allies; and members of the Peace and Freedom Party State Central Committee will seek to produce a more detailed statement on this matter to be considered by the State Executive Committee.