Posted on September 26, 2013 by the Webmaster
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Contact: Campaign Press Office 916-996-9170
SACRAMENTO – Gubernatorial candidate Cindy Sheehan strongly criticized Gov. Jerry Brown this week after he signed legislation (SB 4) to permit hydro-fracturing – "fracking" – in California, specifically in the Monterey Shale Formation.
"Is Jerry Brown out of his fracking mind," asked Ms. Sheehan, who's running for Governor in 2014 on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket.
"Jerry Brown just signed a bill that makes more 'fracking' possible in California in our already vulnerable and fragile communities and eco-systems. Being dependent on fossil fuels is a disease that's killing our planet and an official responsible to his constituents would be leading his community away from all such usage," said Ms. Sheehan, who added that Brown was in the pocket of special interests.
“Special interests wrote the bill and the current governor of California receives tens of thousands of dollars from the oil industry for his campaign coffers. This is just another way that Brown demonstrates his allegiance to big oil and his total disregard for the people and environment of the state of California," Ms. Sheehan said.
"Our campaign has a strong environmental plank to reduce and then eliminate California’s addiction to fossil fuel. It is one of the cornerstones of our campaign and future administration. The people should be demanding access to clean, sustainable, and renewable forms of energy and more comprehensive and cost efficient access to public transportation. We are not in this campaign for immediate profit. We are in it for the future of our state and the people who reside here,” Ms. Sheehan said.
More on Cindy Sheehan’s EPIC (End Poverty in California; End (the use of) Petroleum in California) Campaign, at
For more on the Sheehan campaign, see