Two candidates for the Peace & Freedom Party nomination for President of the United States have declared their campaigns open and both enter election season with the backing of fellow socialist parties.

Gloria La Riva, PFP POTUS candidate in 2016 and California gubernatorial candidate in 2018, has been endorsed by the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL). A PSL-backed ticket also includes Leonard Peltier, PFP’s 1976 nominee for POTUS.

Howie Hawkins has earned the endorsement of the Socialist Party USA (SPUSA) and has twice run as the Green Party nominee for governor of New York; he is seeking several local endorsements nationwide as well as the nomination of the national Green Party. Howie’s main theme for his 2020 campaign is unification of America’s independent left.

To read the La Riva/Peltier campaign’s statement upon accepting the PSL nomination, click here. For a bio on Howie Hawkins, click here. And for news and information on all Peace and Freedom-nominated or -endorsed campaigns, see our Election 2020 News section by clicking here.



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