Do you want to become an active member of the Peace and Freedom Party? Did you miss the chance to run for PFP Central Committee in the March 3, 2020 primary? You can still join or start an affiliated organization in your area.

We have active central committees in about 15 counties, including the major metropolitan centers and a few rural counties. In each of these counties, the local central committees welcome people who want to work to promote the issues and candidates of our party.

If you live elsewhere, we can help you organize a central committee. Wherever you live in California, if you are interested in promoting the work of the Peace and Freedom Party, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please provide your name, your telephone number, and your residence address.

Anyone who is legally permitted to vote must be registered in the Peace and Freedom Party to become a central committee member. We can also appoint people to central committees who are unable to vote due to age, citizenship, or parole status.

Please get in touch with us. Let us know if you want to work with us to promote socialist solutions to problems at the local, state, and national level!


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