PFP announces a
Meeting of
the Peace and Freedom Party of California
State Central Committee
Saturday & Sunday, August 10 & 11, 2019
Peace Center West
3916 Sepulveda Blvd.; Culver City, CA 90230
*** Open to the public ***
Registration opens at 11 am on Saturday; meeting starts at noon. The full agenda will be posted here when complete.
Dues and registration
State Central Committee dues are $10 a month full dues; $5 a month low income, and $2 a month hardship. Payment of dues through the end of December 2019 is encouraged, but all SCC members paid up through August may vote at this meeting. The meeting registration fee is $15, or $10 low income. Some donated funds may be available to subsidize registration for those unable to pay.
Dues and registration may be paid ahead of time by mail. Make checks payable to Peace and Freedom Party, and send to PFP, PO Box 24764, Oakland, CA 94623. Please mail no later than August 2. Dues and registration may also be paid via Paypal. Both dues and registration fees will be accepted when the meeting registration opens at 11 am on Saturday.
If you have proposals for endorsements, resolutions, and/or bylaws changes, please bring them in writing with enough copies for all. There will be between 25-30 voting members in attendance. Please give the copies to Mary McIlroy by 5pm Saturday, and she will distribute them. Resolutions 50 words or less do not need copies.
Still to come on this page: Information on nearby lodging, transportation and parking.