This was originally published in Partisan issue no. 26, printed September 2008.
Ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, vigorous action to protect the environment, improving the conditions of working people, and defense of human rights: These are the fundamentals of Bill Callison's Peace and Freedom Party campaign for Congress in the 7th District. The district includes the northwestern half of Contra Costa County and most of Solano County.
After graduating from Stanford University and earning a teaching credential and an MA in political science from UC Berkeley, Bill Callison worked as an electronic technician until his retirement. But on his own time, he put political science into practice, with a life-long dedication to the struggles for peace and environmental protection.
In 1967, during the Vietnam War, Bill was the founding editor of The Bond, the first anti-war newspaper for servicemen. His demand that he be recognized as a conscientious objector despite not being a member of an organized religion was taken to the Supreme Court, which ruled in his favor. Later, he participated in a 1977 demonstration on the grounds of Camp Pendleton demanding justice for the Camp Pendleton 14, who had resisted KKK attacks on Black recruits into the Marine Corps.
After Bill helped gather signatures demanding impeachment hearings for Bush and Cheney, 7th-District incumbent George Miller ignored the petitions. Bill Callison decided to send Miller a message that is harder to ignore, and filed to run for the seat. For more on Bill's campaign and positions, go to .