Our long-running Socialist forum series, which had been held on the first Saturday of every month at the Starry Plough Pub in Berkeley had to suspend operations due to the COVID-19 crisis – but Suds, Snacks & Socialism is back in electronic form on Zoom!

Whether you’ve never attended a Suds, Snacks & Socialism forum or you’re a regular attendee, this weekend’s Zoom meeting is the one to attend! Join us online on Saturday, September 12, to discuss The importance of local elections and the Statewide Propositions, with guest speakers including three Alameda County candidates running in the November election.

The program will start promptly at 2:30pm PT and is expected to wrap up by 4:30pm. To join the forum, click here or write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for login instructions. The schedule is as follows.

2:30-3:30: Discussion of local elections, featuring
• Carroll Fife, candidate for Oakland City Council District 3
• Aiden Hill, Green Party candidate for Berkeley Mayor
• The Action 2020 slate for Oakland School Board
• The socialist slate for Hayward City Council

3:30-4:00: Presentation and discussion of the Statewide propositions on the California ballot
A short summary of all of the propositions with concurring positions by the Alameda County Greens and the Peace and Freedom Party, and a brief presentation of their differing views on Propositions 24 and 25.

4:00-4:30: Questions and comments from attendees.

Please note that next month’s Suds, Snacks and Socialism forum on the national election will be held on Oct 3, 2020.

This forum is co-sponsored by the Oakland Greens, the Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party and Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change. The forum is part of our ongoing Socialist Forum Series on the first Saturday of every month. Our purpose is informed political discussion, and the views expressed are those of the speakers only, not official positions of the Peace and Freedom Party or our fellow co-sponsors.

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